Last weekend was COLD, this weekend feels like spring MIGHT eventually arrive. I'm glad for a better weekend because there was much to be done!
It's time to start some seeds. I started some cold crops which we may be able to plant out in late April, and a few herbs and flowers that take a while.
Finding Seed Starting things outside (in the little greenhouses) and in.
Plenty of seeds of all sorts in seed boxes.
One of three trays I planted out. |
Next up was coop cleaning. This was overdue and was a huge chore. The used shavings made for many fun paths through the snow for the birds. |
The chickens don't like walking on the snow, the used shavings paths make them very happy.
KiKat supervising
KitKat is always ready to help.
Can we get this whole big coop clean one weekend KitKat?
All clean, Turk the Turken approves. |
Both weekend days we also got the dogs out for some walks. They may be getting old but they still love going to the lake. |
Willow turns 11 on the 26th of this month.
Dartha tuns 11 the 26th of this month.
Comet, who still loves to roll in snow, turns 12 in late April.
A busy but good weekend. Which I'll end with a cozy cat picture.
Linnea |