Last winter we did not have a covered run for the birds. This wasn't a huge issue for them since we had less birds and they have a big coop. They had enough space on cold days. This was an issue for me because I literally had to dig out the coop door after some bigger snowstorms. It also meant I had to shovel a path from their door if I wanted the chickens to come out of the coop at all. Most chickens do not like walking on snow. The ducks don't mind a bit but the chickens no snow for them! It just made snowy winter mornings hard. Before this winter set in we needed to cover and wrap some of the run. Not only to make my job easier but also we have added more birds and just the coop on those worst bitter cold or heavy snow days would not be enough space for them to be happy if they were shut in all day. It was not hard at all to cover and wrap the front part of the chain link run and in the end I was wishing we'd done it sooner.
Materials needed were lumber for a roof frame, clear roofing panels-these are PVC or poly-carbonate and wavy, most home DIY stores have them, fasteners (screws) and plastic closure strips (these are wavy like the clear roofing and hold it in place), heavy duty clear shower curtains, clear gorilla tape and zip ties. I got most of these material ideas from reading on chicken groups, I always think it's good to find out what people are really using and finding useful. I never would have guessed clear, heavy duty shower curtains to wrap the run in but they have worked so well and were so easy to install! All I had to do for the wrap was hang the shower curtains with zip ties to attach to the top of the run, place rocks on the bottom to hold them until the snow came, and I did end up taping the shower curtains together where each one met the next with clear gorilla tape. As for the roof it took my husband about a day to make the wooden frame and another couple days really just a couple hours here and there, to attach the clear roofing.
The now covered run, which is about 12' x 16' has more than doubled the birds snow free living space. Even if they don't want to go out in the snow they can go outside into the covered run. They have a few boredom busters in the clear run such as a Christmas tree we gave them after Christmas, a ladder we let them keep for the winter, a couple plastic trays which I fill with sand or wood ash from time to time for dust bathing and some stick roosts here and there.
Roof frame with clear roofing (now snow covered) from underneath. |
Putting up the heavy duty, clear shower curtains was easy with zip ties. |
finished run, just in time it snowed son after completion. |
And snowed some more. |
And snowed and snowed and snowed. |
The chickens are glad for their covered and wrapped run. |
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