We have broody silkie girls, we have acting broody silkie boys, we have Mr. Baby Paint who had a spot of bother yesterday and today a silkie hen somehow got herself caught behind a rabbit pen. My goodness I barely gave the silkies a thought all winter they didn't cause a bit of trouble just wandered around the place looking cute and now the weather is improving they are causing all sorts of trouble!
The day started with checking over Mr. Baby Paint who spent the night indoors (see previous blog post). All was well with him so he was returned to the chicken yard in time for breakfast.
First in the yard today after his sleep indoors. |
The broody silkies are indeed staying with their eggs so we may have chicks in 20-21 days give or take. Although the eggs were 24 hours under the hens I couldn't resists popping the turken egg into the pile when I caught her laying her egg first thing this morning. That was good timing! I know we won't likely have a good fertility rate right now but it's still fun to hope and wonder what might hatch out of those eggs. Hopefully we'll get a few chicks. I marked the eggs so now if the silkies collect any more I will know to take them away or else we'd have a staggered hatch and those usually do not go well and cause a lot of stress.
Silkie turning her eggs. |
Silkie hens seem to love nothing better than sitting on eggs. |
Labeling the eggs with the date. |
As I was labeling the silkies clutches Turk the Turken laid an egg! |
I added the turken egg to one of the silkie girl's piles after labeling it with the date.
Turken egg |
Later in the day we even had silkie boys hoarding nest boxes! Mr. Paint the head silkie roo was taking up a nest box with his second in command, Mr. White, waiting below. Batbaby, the black hen seems to be wondering what is going on!
What is that rooster doing in there? |
Finally for the second day in a row I had to bring a silkie indoors at bedtime. I was counting the birds and kept coming up one short. I finally decided to look all around indoors and out and found the paint silkie hen upside down behind the rabbit pen. Although she seemed fine when I freed her I brought her indoors to look over just in case. Another silkie spending the night indoors. I hope this trend doesn't continue for a third day!
I didn't mean to get myself stuck in an odd spot. |
I don't know why the silkies are causing so much uproar lately. Maybe the warmer weather is the cause or maybe they can't see what they're doing and they all need haircuts!
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