The Farm*Homestead*Garden Blog

All things farm, garden, homestead related from the Catsndogs4us family.

Our life on a wild, woodland homestead.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Poultry yard extension phase 3, 4, 7??? I don't know anymore!

I may not know what stage of the poultry yard extension I'm on but I do know that I moved 100 feet of fencing into its new position today. SO MUCH WORK! Most of the brush on all sides has been cleared and the piece of fencing that was moving the least was ready to be moved. The hardest part was pulling out and then banging in again the t-posts. They've been in for about 2 years and had really gotten quite comfortable in their positions and didn't want to come back out of the ground. After repositioning them they really didn't want to go back into the ground in the new area. I didn't think I'd make it to the end of the line but after about 6 hours I did. Moving the electric fence took about 1 hour, moving the stretch of shorter second level of defense fence took about 45 minutes. Moving the 100 feet of welded wire fencing and all the t-posts took four hours or so. And this piece was only to gain the birds about 10 more feet of ground, well 10 feet of ground all along the 100 foot stretch so it was worth it. They have green within the fenced area again. The next two sections will be much more complex and will gain the birds A LOT more space but that is a job for another day or maybe another week. The 4th side doesn't have to move, thank goodness! That is the chain link dog fence which the chicken/duck yard joins up to.

Got my main tools, I'm ready! I use my cutter and zip ties for nearly all farm jobs it seems.

No turning back now, it's down. Hope the birds don't find me too quickly.

The ducks found me too quickly.

The chickens found me too quickly.

What (not) great helpers I have.

Despite my many feathered helpers the fence is going back up about 10 feet back from where it was.

Near the end, trail of tools that I'm almost too tired to pick up.

New greens to enjoy!

KitKat supervised.

The birds love their new area.


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