Snow White, our broody cochin sitting on eggs is officially a Mama! Her "due date" day 21 is not until Wednesday but her chicks must have been in a rush.One little chick hatched on day 18 and two more in the night between day 18 and day 19. These are not bantams, those do typically come a little early but it has been hot, hot, hot with many days in the mid 90's. I've a feeling the heat sped up their development. Snow White has three more eggs under her. I'm not sure that anything will come of those but we'll just have to wait and see. If they go past day 21 I'll give them a good look, listen etc and then decide what to do next. If Snow White decides not to sit anymore before then I'll investigate and decide if the incubator has to be brought out. For now we're enjoying the three little chicks. They are Mo the rooster (Silver Spangled Appenzeller Spitzenhauben) crossed with cream legbars- 2 eggs and Easter Egger-1 egg. There's another EE egg still under Snow White as well as a couple brown eggs from random hens, one might be the Turken but I'm not sure they will hatch.
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