Seedlings growing, more seeds started, chicks growing, chicks incubating. We're trying one more time to hatch an egg from our Turken chicken (naked neck) who is now 7 years old and a favorite of ours. NEVER successfully hatched an egg of hers despite trying several times over the years. Now she is old and rarely lays but during spring break I caught her laying a couple times so snagged those eggs and a few others to incubate. Why IS she still laying at 7. I don't know for sure but I think many of our old hens ages 6-8 still lay on occasion because we give them winters off and let their bodies decide when to lay rather than using artificial lighting to cause them to lay during winter.
Kajari melon seedlings, I never do well with melons but this is a new to us variety.
Larger seedlings in the indoor greenhouse safe from cats and dogs, waiting fore last frost date.
What will hatch?
More seedlings started.
Under the germinating light.
A little hardening off for an hour or so in the outdoor greenhouse.
Spring break is done, back to work tomorrow. Hurry up summer break and warm weather!
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