The heat is on and we need to make sure the farm animals don't get overheated. Fresh pools for the ducks, plenty of fresh water for everyone, encouraging the chicks to roost not pig pile (kinda failed). We added a second, higher powered fan to the coop as well. We have had a loss in the duck flock, I don't know if it was heat related or old age as she was one of the originals. I couldn't find her at first and thought we may have yet another broody hiding but eventually I found her not nesting but passed away in a more secluded part of the farmyard. The baby chicks are now just about 2 months old and fitting in well with the flock. The rescue bantams are now 4 months old and enjoying life.
Little cutie
Frizzy frizzle
The assisted hatch chick at 2 months, absolutely he sweetest little one.
This is the part where I try to make things better for the chicks in the heat but I fail. I noticed that a few of them are roosting but many are pig piling in the brooder cage in the coop at night, even though the cage door is always left open now. To break the habit I took down the brooder cage and put up some temporary, makeshift roosting bars where the cage had been. It must have been too new and scary and the chicks had other ideas. I eventually got them all a little more comfortable and then shut everyone up for the night hoping for the best. They were fine.
Well this is never going to work!
They had their small window fan and this new floor fan that can direct the air where needed and they did fine, adults, middle sized chicks and little ones.
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