The Farm*Homestead*Garden Blog

All things farm, garden, homestead related from the Catsndogs4us family.

Our life on a wild, woodland homestead.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lots done despite the heat

Very hot day today with temperatures in the 90's. Still there was work to be done and animals to keep comfortable. In the morning, from about 7:00-11:00 I tackled a bunch more brush cutting, very pleased with the results so far.

I had lots of feathered helpers. Here are the before pictures and during, for this one area.

And here are the after pictures. One nice area cleared of most thorny bushes a few remain and now those will do better.

It's not that I want just a field and some fruit trees, I simply want more diversity not just thorny berries and poison ivy! Have to get rid of the poison ivy since some in the family do suffer badly when they come into contact with it. I don't seem to be affected so I'm always on poison ivy control duty.

As things get more and more cleared new plants show up or start to thrive, I've found several small high bush blueberry plants that should do well now they actually get some sun. On a not as nice note I found some type of yew (ground hemlock?) with the poisonous red berries *the seed is poisonous. I'll have to get those out of there so the chickens and ducks don't eat them.

One new planting on the homestead is a BLUE Pinkberry, a pink blueberry. That should be fun. Probably won't fruit for a couple years maybe a small crop next year.

All the animals were plenty hot today. Dogs stayed in the path of fams, the cats lazed about indoors and out, the bearded dragons had fun sunning themselves and wading in their little pools, We started out with one pool but they didn't want to share so I added a second. The rabbits kept to the shade and dug themselves cool spots on the ground and the chickens and ducks enjoyed frozen peas and frozen blueberries.

Comet says, I am not budging from this space, I'm directly in the path of a fan.

Beardies keeping cool.

Kikat lazes in the sun.

Chickens and ducks enjoying frozen peas and frozen blueberries.

Linnea found a comfy yet cool enough spot near a fan.

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