The Farm*Homestead*Garden Blog

All things farm, garden, homestead related from the Catsndogs4us family.

Our life on a wild, woodland homestead.

Friday, July 5, 2019

The fence expansion is finished!

The fence expansion is finished, so happy about this! I didn't expect to complete it so fast but after a few weeks of prep work it only took a few serious work days to bang in all the new t-posts, add new fencing and then open what was the chicken yard and attach that fence to the new "orchard" fence. Now the chicken and ducks have a much larger fenced area and the fruit trees are more protected from predators.

It wasn't an easy job this took blood, sweat, tears, determination and willpower. There are LOTS of thorny brambly berry bushes all throughout the area, some of those will be eliminated, transplanted elsewhere or tamed a bit. I couldn't let the fact that the bramble was there stop me from completing this job and I'm thankful it is done. very hard to photograph in a way that one can see the size of this and the difference it made but walking out there the change is amazing. The birds love exploring the more wild area.

Having chicken and duck helpers once the area was opened but not done added to the fun work.

The final joining of two sides of fencing right at the back. The job is done!

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