The Farm*Homestead*Garden Blog

All things farm, garden, homestead related from the Catsndogs4us family.

Our life on a wild, woodland homestead.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

The State Of The Flock- January 2021

 Our flock of chickens and ducks is in good shape as we head into 2021. The chickens are currently ages 8 months-5 years. The ducks are ages 3-5 years. The pullets have started laying over the winter and we're getting some wonderfully diverse egg colors. The birds in general all seem very healthy and well. They are coping with the cold winter just fine. It's kind of surprising how many older birds we still have, it will be interesting to see if the oldsters are still laying this spring and summer. 

Eggs in so many colors, white, blues, greens, cream and so many shades of brown. 

Speckles is one of our oldest birds. She's a Speckled Sussex hen.

We have 9 ducks and here most of them are in a row! One of the young hens, Puppy, or Captain Puppy, seems to be giving the ducks a good talking to. Puppy is a Buff Laced Polish hen, She got her name because she always follows me around and gets underfoot, like a puppy. 

Paths in the snow help the birds make the best of the winter, the chickens don't like walking on pure white snow. 

There's room under the covered run to be out of the coop but still in the dry.

The ducks don't mind snow at all!

The coop and run keep the birds cozy no matter the weather.

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