The Farm*Homestead*Garden Blog

All things farm, garden, homestead related from the Catsndogs4us family.

Our life on a wild, woodland homestead.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Nor'easter, growing chicks and maple syrup upgrade

Wednesday into Thursday we had a big old Nor'Easter snowstorm. Sixteen inches of new snow right when spring is supposed to be working its way in is a bit disappointing. Not much to be done but carry on.

The dogs always love playing in new snow, for a little while anyway.

 KitKat said no thanks! And he headed right back indoors.

 The ducks don't mind but the chickens are not impressed.

 Where oh where have my maple sap buckets gone?

 The snow is coming down fast and soon Bigfoot the black cochin is turning white!

In spite of the storm it was time for the baby chicks, now almost 7 weeks old, to move to the coop. The coop is cozy and they have more space in this dog kennel cage than they did in their brooder. Also they will get to know the flock. 

When it was shut up time I found that i couldn't close the coop door! the snow was so heavy on the roof of the attached run that the roof was sagging a bit. 

 When I realised this I cleaned off the roof right away. I'm glad I got this hint of the problem, the next morning I heard of many who had damaged coops and runs from the weight of snow or in some cases falling trees or branches. It was quite a storm.

Surprisingly the maple sap has been flowing even though we've gotten cold and the buckets were buried. It's almost time to boil again.

A box arrived this morning which should make the next boil a lot faster and easier. What is in that big smiling box below?

 A new propane gas burner! Our old one broke a couple years back so we've been boiling in the kitchen. It will be nice to take all that evaporation back outdoors.

Of course Linnea thinks the giant box is the best part of this new purchase!

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