The Farm*Homestead*Garden Blog

All things farm, garden, homestead related from the Catsndogs4us family.

Our life on a wild, woodland homestead.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Helping the walking onions to walk into a different garden, asparagus too

We have two separate vegetable garden areas. One, the upper garden, is right next to the chickens and ducks fenced yard while the other, the lower garden, is much further away and kept top secret from the birds! It's a good thing that the birds have no idea that the second garden exists or we would have very few vegetables to harvest for ourselves. Not all of the birds can jump or fly over the fences between their yard and the upper garden but a certain group can do just that. Mainly the salmon faverolles, cream legbars and a few random birds plus Mo the rooster. These particular birds are all lighter weight or flighty breeds. Then there's the ducks, they have such long necks that that reach through the fences to bite at whatever has grown close to the fences.

They look so innocent but there are garden thieves among them!

These issues have led to us playing musical gardens over the last couple years. Now crops are broken down into two groups: those the chickens and ducks like (most) and those the birds don't like (a few). The upper garden is smaller and is now for things birds don't like or bother. We thought tomatoes fell into this category but we have found that the birds do like the tomatoes themselves just not the plants. It seems that the best things for the upper garden are leeks, asparagus, onions, garlic.

New Asparagus Bed in Upper Garden

The asparagus bed and the walking onions were previously in the lower garden. Both of those crops were being overtaken by strawberries so they needed to move anyway. Last spring I moved the asparagus bed and added some new rootstock. As I find more asparagus plants I'll add them to the new bed. The walking onions I'm just starting to move. I have to wait until the tomato plants currently in that spot die off and as they do I'm planting both topset bulbs and original "parent plant" onions into the upper garden.

A few of the walking onion plants for transplanting.

I planted leeks there this spring and they have done very well, the birds bothered the young plants when they were first planted (because they wanted to scratch around in the newly dug dirt) but haven't touched them as the season has gone on.

Walking onion top sets for transplanting.

I know that transplanting the asparagus bed has set it back a bit but I think it will thrive in the new location and so far the birds haven't shown any interest. The walking onions will take right off again in the new spot next year. Everything else will be designated for the lower (secret) garden and we will hope the chickens never find that garden! So far so good we're into our third year and they haven't found it yet. Wild animals have but you can't have everything!

Chicken fence next to garden fence, making it work by changing around the gardens for next year.

Lower garden- They can never find out!

Final note, the chickens and ducks are given masses are lovely garden produce they're just greedy but I love them anyway :-).

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