The Farm*Homestead*Garden Blog

All things farm, garden, homestead related from the Catsndogs4us family.

Our life on a wild, woodland homestead.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Farm Things and Family Things

Farm chores got done early since we were heading a couple hours away to do cemetery clean up and plant some new flowers for Grandparents, Mom and Brother. The guys did such a good job cleaning the various headstones and ground markers, they needed it and it was a painstaking chore that took awhile. The ground was so very dry I don't hold out hope for the flowers we planted but I watered them in many times over and over in hopes they could last until it rains. There are many watering areas to fill containers at the cemetery and some of them have short hoses and are high powered. I got a good soaking when I turned a knob too far the wrong way! It was pretty funny but as I didn't want to drive the 2 hours home, plus make any stops all wet I got a new outfit in a nearby store. We brought home one of the cement decorations that had become broken and will repair or replace and then bring it back next time.


On the way home we stopped at a very large vintage and not so vintage shop since Bobby likes antiques and the boys were happy to look for a unique bargain (Star Wars items were found and bought). I got a couple kitchen things too and then we headed the rest of the way home. 


Once home I got the little chicks out of the coop and into a shady area for some fresh air and dust bathing. There is a fan in the coop for these warmer days but they still enjoy getting out. I let the bearded dragons go outside for an hour or so too before it started to get dark.


 There is much more planting to do tomorrow, lad for the long weekend. 

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