The Farm*Homestead*Garden Blog

All things farm, garden, homestead related from the Catsndogs4us family.

Our life on a wild, woodland homestead.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Ah Ha! Ducks are still hiding eggs, I found their latest hiding spots.

This was a hard one, I might not have found this hiding spot where the ducks are hiding nests of eggs were it not for some chickens behaving oddly nearby. Yesterday I was sitting near the fenced farmyward area and heard a strange noise. I located the source of the noise, a couple chickens on top of a big brush pile. They were making a noise and jumping off the pile every so often. While watching i suddenly saw our Easter egger rooster jump high into the air off the brush pile while making a distressed squawking sound. KitKat and I both raced over to see just what was going on. It seemed that something from within the brush pile was attacking the rooster on top of the pile! It took a little while to figure out just what was going on but finally after moving a fair bit of brush I found a duck with many eggs nesting under the brush pile. A couple more ducks were in and out. This time it was Angel who was nesting although the eggs clearly came from a variety of ducks and a chicken or two. The chicken eggs were pullet sized and out only young chickens added this year are the three easter Egger pullets and one rooster. This explained why the EE roo was interested in the brush pile, his girls wanted in there too. The ducks have taught these young chickens a bad habit.

I cleared the nest and made it up to the ducks by running the hose for awhile and giving them a big mud puddle to play in.

Then this morning I moved quite a bit of the large brush pile so they couldn't hide there as easily. The ducks and chickens both enjoyed looking through the newly cleared area. They always enjoy new areas to search for bugs, slugs, vegetation and other treasures.

I left them one area and now I'll know where to look. If I can't beat the ducks I guess I have to play their game, might as well make it a bit easier on myself.

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