The Farm*Homestead*Garden Blog

All things farm, garden, homestead related from the Catsndogs4us family.

Our life on a wild, woodland homestead.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

More snow the chickens want to move south! Thinking spring but winter is nowhere near done.

Yesterday's snow left a lot of shovelling to contend with this morning. The chickens weren't too happy about all their paths being covered again. They considered moving south. KitKat took one look and decided not to do farm chores with me this morning. He went right back in the house, wise choice KitKat.

The chicken and duck yard is looking very white this morning.

I took pity on the birds and cleared them a path. They seemed to consider heading south to escape this weather and I don't blame them!

The sun came out, I cleaned the duck pen and used the old shavings to cover the chickens path, they decided they would try to stick out winter here after all. 

Since Miss Silkie has been thinking spring and thinking broody thoughts I decided to test a sampling of eggs for fertility. 

I'm not an expert at all but supposedly a bullseye means fertile while just a dot means infertile. None can become a chick until incubated but only the fertile eggs with a bullseye have the potential to become a chick. 

Bullseye above?

Just a dot here.
I tested 16 eggs, and found only 2 for sure bullseyes, 2 maybe and 12 just little dots. I think Miss Silkie will have to wait a bit longer before sitting on some eggs.
A couple signs of spring have been around. We've bought a few seed packets and our replacement greenhouse cover arrived by UPS today. It's a start.

Spring will come, baby chicks will hatch, seeds will be planted but it seems a long way off while shovelling all the new snow today!

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