The Farm*Homestead*Garden Blog

All things farm, garden, homestead related from the Catsndogs4us family.

Our life on a wild, woodland homestead.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Gardens and chickens and Fathers Day 6/18

 I dug out some new area for more transplants, with a little help from a chicken or two. 

Some of our roses are starting to bloom.

The older chicks (rescue bantams) seem to want to reclaim the baby chick outdoor enclosures that they used previously.

Chicks older and younger


 But the babies need it and the big babies do not so when the big babies left the cages I set them up in a new spot so the younger chicks could be outside for the day.

Combining two different height cages is a little tricky.

And last but not least some of the adult flock enjoying their day.

We finished up the outdoor work on the early side to celebrate Father's Day. The boys and Bobby enjoyed an action/adventure movie and I kept them company while trying not to watch the worst of the action and also trying not to look bored. I kind of don't get it. In many of these type films there is a problem, the hero (s) spend about 1.5 hours trying to escape/solve/do away with the problem, then it's all resolved. I find the 1.5-2 hours of action in between the start of the movie and the final resolution pretty mind numbing but that's why I'm a reader not a movie person I guess!

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